Punch air shock absorber
Shanghai Songjiang absorber group limited official website introduces for you: KQJZ-1200-A punch air shock absorber, Songjiang group for air damper press equipment recommended a special product, is the perfect vibration absorption of punch, punch after the installation and use are numerous high quality and satisfactory effect of air shock absorber.
自然频率3Hz~5Hz,最大使用压力4.5 Kg/cm^2。
本体采用Neoprene Rubber,一体成型气密性强。
荷重范围 50~3500Kg。
了解该产品详细参数请查看:【样册P90】KQJZ-A型 空气减振器
Product introduction:
Air pressure anti vibration device conforms to JISD-4101 air cushion pressure test standard
The natural frequency is 3Hz~5Hz, and the maximum use pressure is 4.5 Kg/cm^2.
Multi layer antirust paint is used in the body.
The body adopts Neoprene Rubber, which has good air tightness in one.
The anti vibration effect is very high, and the efficiency of the general equipment
The range of load is 50~3500Kg.
Oil proof cap can be added to prevent oil corrosion.
Use: chiller, punch, pump group.
KQJZ air shock absorber shape size and other types of table details以上KQJZ-1200-A冲床空气减震器信息来源于上海淞江减震器集团有限公司官方网站减震器产品中心,淞江集团生产的空气减震器可以将冲床的震动吸收90%,是目前全球减震效果最好的减震器产品,淞江集团生产的所有空气减震器产品橡胶全部采用天然橡胶,含胶量高达50%,具有良好的密封性和长期使用寿命,维护简单,是众多高端环境的首要选择,例如:星级酒店、高端写字楼、楼层设备等对减震效果要求很高的环境。
KQJZ-1200-A above the water chiller air damper on information from Shanghai Songjiang absorber group limited official website shock absorber product center, air damper Songjiang Group production can punch the vibration and noise absorption in 90%, is currently the world's best damping effect of shock absorber products, all the air shock absorber rubber products Songjiang group the production of all the Dongfeng 1# natural rubber, rubber content is as high as *, with good sealing and long, simple maintenance, is the only option, many high-end environment such as hotels, office buildings, floors high end equipment requirements of high damping effect on the environment.
