SHM型 发电机组弹簧减震器“终于安静下来了”
Spring shock absorber of SHM generator set
上海淞江减震器集团有限公司官方网站为您介绍:SHM型 发电机组弹簧减震器信息,淞江集团为柴油发电机组推荐SHM型发电机组弹簧减震器产品,该产品无论在隔音还是隔震方面,效果都达到了最佳效果,而且该款减震器的使用寿命长达10年以上。
The official website of Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd. introduces to you the information of SHM generator set spring shock absorber. Songjiang group recommends SHM generator set spring shock absorber for diesel generator set. This product has achieved the best effect in terms of sound insulation and vibration isolation, and the service life of this shock absorber is more than 10 years.
一、SHM型 发电机组弹簧减震器实物拍照:
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