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来源:http://www.songjiangjituan.com/1361.html 发布于:2018-11-14 04:06   浏览:6,415

SHM spring isolator installation guide

Before installation, make sure the model and the specification are correct.
Installation guide
所需工具:公制口径19mm (M12)、24mm (M16)、32mm (M22) 开口扳手、爪式千斤.。
Required tools: 19mm (M12), 24mm (M16) and 32mm (M22) open wrenches and claw jack.
Before completing the adjustment of the isolator, do not remove the pressure pad from the isolator.
Embed foundation bolt according to the location of bolt-loaded holes.
弹簧减震器安放到安裝位置后,先將定位柳钉拿掉。( 如图1 )
Remove quilting rivet after installing the isolator (Fig 1) .
以M12固定螺栓将减震器与设备固定,但不锁紧。( 如图2 )
Fasten the isolator and the equipment with M12 fixed bolt without locking it (Fig 2).
Fasten the isolator with foundation bolt on the ground and fix the height with wooden panel.

规格 外形尺寸(mm) 固定
L W L1 W1 A B H
SHM-1 260 100 210 100 230 0 200 12 13
SHM-2 235 220 235 140 195 180 200 14 13
SHM-4 320 165 320 165 290 90 200 14 13
SHM-6 400 170 400 170 370 90 200 18 13
SHM-9 420 250 420 250 384 180 200 18 13


型号/规格 载荷范围(kg) 竖向刚度(kg/mm) 适用挠度(mm)
SHM-1-100 80~120 4 25
SHM-1-150 120~180 6 25
SHM-1-200 160~240 8 25
SHM-1-250 200~300 10 25
SHM-1-300 240~360 12 25
SHM-1-350 280~420 14 25
SHM-1-400 320~480 16 25
SHM-1-450 360~540 18 25
SHM-1-500 400~600 20 25
SHM-1-600 480~720 24 25
SHM-1-700 560~840 28 25
SHM-1-850 680~1020 34 25
SHM-1-1000 800~1200 40 25
SHM-1-1200 960~1440 48 25
SHM-2-600 480~720 24 25
SHM-2-800 640~960 32 25
SHM-2-900 720~1080 36 25
SHM-2-1000 800~1200 40 25
SHM-2-1200 920~1440 48 25
SHM-2-1400 1120~1680 56 25
SHM-2-1600 1280~1920 64 25
SHM-2-2000 1600~2400 80 25
SHM-4-600 480~720 24 25
SHM-4-800 640~960 32 25
SHM-4-1000 800~1200 40 25
SHM-4-1200 960~1440 48 25
SHM-4-1400 1120~1680 56 25
SHM-4-1600 1280~1920 64 25
SHM-4-2000 1600~2400 80 25
SHM-4-2400 1920~2880 96 25
SHM-4-2800 2240~3360 112 25
SHM-4-3200 2560~3840 128 25
SHM-4-4000 3200~4800 160 25
SHM-4-4800 3840~5760 192 25
SHM-6-3600 2880~4320 144 25
SHM-6-4200 3360~5040 168 25
SHM-6-5000 4000~6000 200 25
SHM-6-6000 4800~7200 240 25
SHM-6-7200 5760~8640 288 25
SHM-9-4500 3600~5400 180 25
SHM-9-5400 4320~6480 216 25
SHM-9-6300 5040~7560 252 25
SHM-9-7200 5760~8640 288 25
SHM-9-9000 7200~10800 360 25
SHM-9-10800 8640~12960 432 25

调整弹簧减震器高度时先松掉两边的反掣螺帽5~10mm ,並相对锁紧。( 如图3 )
Loosen the nuts on both sides for 5~10mm first before adjusting height of the isolator and lock them afterwards (Fig 3).
使用公制口径32mm 开口扳手以逆时针方向调整M22螺栓,使弹簧受力下压、弹簧减震器上盖铁上升。(如图4 )
Adjust M22 adjustment bolt in the anti-clockwise direction with 32mm open wrench to press down the spring and to raise the iron sheet (Fig 4).
调整*压垫可取出时,即可停止调整并取出木台。( 如图5 )
Adjustment can be stopped and wooden panel can be removed once you can take out the pressure pad (Fig 5).
将与设备固定之M12螺栓完全锁紧,即完成安装调整。( 如图6 )
After the adjustment, lock the isolator with M12 fixed bolt (Fig 6).
After the adjustment, check the press amount of the spring. If it appears with insufficient loading,pleaereplace with bigger loading by contacting our staff.
Be cautious during the installation.

Maintenance checking points: Check the mounting bolts, remain fixed bolt locked, installation of the isolator, and the deflection of the spring.

图1) 将定位柳丁取出,並以木台固定高度。
Fig 1) Remove quilting rivet and fix the height with wooden panel.

图2) 以M12螺栓将弹簧减震器与设备固定,但不锁紧;同时以基础螺栓将弹簧减震器固定。
Fig 2) Fasten the isolator and the Equipment with M12 fixed bolt without locking it. Fasten the isolator with foundation bolt.

图3) 调整弹簧减震器过度时,先松掉两边之反掣螺帽5~10mm ,并相对锁紧。
Fig 3) Loosen the nuts on both sides for 5~10mm first before adjusting height of the isolator and lock them afterwards.

图4) 使用公制开口板手以逆时针方向调整螺栓,使弹簧下压、弹簧减震器上盖铁上升。
Fig 4) Adjust the bolt in the anticlockwise direction with open wrench to press down the spring and to raise the iron sheet.

图5) 调整弹簧减震器上盖铁升高,压垫可以取出时即可完成调整并取出木台。
Fig 5) Adjust until the iron sheet of the isolator arises. Adjustment can be stopped and wooden panel can be removed once you can take out the pressure pad.

图6) 将螺栓与设备完全锁紧后,即完成弹簧减震器安裝调整。
Fig 6) After the adjustment, lock the isolator with M12 fixed bolt 5-10mm


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